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Digital Internship 2021


Digital Internship 2021:

M.I.C.E Labs in collaboration successfully completed a Digital Internship program named Bioengineered 1.1. Though Coivid had hit us hard and everything was at a standstill, our efforts to innovate yet continued. We wanted to turn the crisis into an opportunity. That’s where, 12 students from interdisciplinary domains (medical, engineering and design) came together to solve unmet clinical needs.

Team 1 : Decucare-Decucare-An effective way to prevent bed sores in chronically bedridden patients

Team 2 : Pureair- An effective way to reduce the spread of airborne infections in tertiary care hospitals

Team 3 : VentriMon- An affordable, safer and continuous way to monitor ICP at tertiary centers to prevent high infection risk and seizures.

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