Mirror; Mirror on the wall, am I the culprit, or am I not?
Unfortunately, unlike Snow White’s story, the magic mirror in the medical world seldom spoke the truth. The stethoscope was never proved guilty until recent times and continued spreading infections that caused morbidity of numerous patients who visited healthcare set-ups in the hope to get them treated for a previous infection. Who knew that this device can be a trap and the patient will now fall in the clutches of nosocomial and iatrogenic infections?
Stethoscope : noun [steth-uh-skohp] A physician’s extended hand used for auscultation that is now capable of transmitting micro-organisms that can cause hospital-borne infections.
Strange, isn’t it? People’s own God and savior- a physician may transmit the illness to his patients with the root being his sword, the stethoscope. Discovered in the year 1876 by Rene Laennac, the stethoscope was one of the milestones in the field of medicine. Walking down the history lane the discoverer and then the following physician’s main concern was never about the microorganisms that were harboring on the rubber of the instrument but was focused on the diagnosis of the disease, the patient presented with. Now that we are achieving our goals of aseptic surgeries, hygienic set-ups, and successful treatments, we are somewhere lagging behind in a stream that is trivial yet crucial – sterile examinations.
Worry not! To combat this step-back some a group of our young medicos are all set to introduce a technical model which can sterilize this culprit of nosocomial infections. Isha Jain, Salman Khan, and Vaibhav Sargar together have come up with the idea of UV SCOPE.
UV SCOPE : UV SCOPE is a device that will help sterilize the stethoscope with the help of UV rays in an efficient way which will not only sterilize the stethoscope but also cut down time preventing it from becoming a tedious process. As the researchers stated that just a contact of the stethoscopes with the patient was capable of transmitting potentially deadly bacteria including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus bacteria (MRSA), there is an urgent need of developing an instrument that will de-contaminate the device.
Super Bugs : With the rising danger of antibiotic-resistant bacteria-[“superbugs”] caused by overuse of antibiotics, slowing the rate of such hospital-acquired infections is the only way out. Helping the prevention of such iatrogenic infections by a simple way of sterilization with the help of devices like the UV SCOPE will definitely scrap out the fear of transmission of infectious diseases.
“We really hope that our project UV SCOPE is in harmony with our aim and intention to work for the welfare of the health sector in our society”, quotes Salman Khan, an MBBS student and a team member of the project.
08 MAY 2019