Report on MEDIC – 2018 IIT BOMBAY-BETic Lab
Today’s world is changing rapidly. From the normal living we are leading towards a time where technology plays an active role in our lives. For the day to day simple activities, we are depended on technology. That’s how we are surrounded by technology.
With the upcoming trends in technology it is necessary for us to upgrade and see how it can help us in our lives where we use it as an assistant than we become slaves to it.
So when I speak of using it, the usage can be in multidisciplinary terms. Today I am going to narrow down only to healthcare use of technology.
The Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai has established a platform for real time innovations in the medical field to happen.
The Biomedical Engineering & Technology Incubation Centre- BETic, an incubation centre under where Biomedical engineers, Mechanical engineers, and Electronics Engineers work together to ideate and innovate on medical devices that helps solves clinically unmet problems.
Similarly in Mumbai at one of the top most medical institute in India JJ Hospital there is a lab setup- Medical Innovation Creativity and Entrepreneurship (MICE Labs), where medical students and engineers come together to tinker on medical problems and its solutions in form of innovative ideas, processes, service, and devices.
Never before it was thought that two different fields from different backgrounds like medical and engineering could meet at some point and find out solutions for smarter and better healthcare systems.
Medic-18 is an event where participants learn how to define an unmet clinical need, develop an innovative solution, deliver a validated product and deploy it to the market. Medic is organized by BETic which is funded and supported by Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology (RGSTC) & Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC).
Insights and impressions from the event Medical device innovation Camp (MEDIC) – 2018
It was a five days event
With the following schedule:-
Day 1- Define unmet clinical needs
Doctors from different places suggested few problem statements in the medical field.
Also sessions from various reputed institutions and positions like the chairman of RGSTC & TIFAC, Prof. Ravi BETic lab in charge etc. had talks and sessions on need of innovations etc.
It was explained to the participants and they were divided into teams.64 participants had come. There were 16 teams made out of them. Each team consisting of a clinicians/Doctor, biomedical engineer, mechanical engineer and electronics engineer.
Day 2:- How to develop Novel Medical Devices
Sessions like design, feasibility and prototyping were taken by Prof Ravi.
Participants were given their space and resources on Brainstorming and conceptual thinking.
Day 3:- How to deliver tested and tried devices.
Visit to the fabrication areas, lab testing, BETic lab etc. in the campus of IIT Bombay.
Case studies like Laparoscopy instruments and other such devices by successful innovators of the BETic lab were presented to the participants.
Also how the device needs to be regulated and certified were taught to the participants by Dr Rupesh Ghyar, BETic Mentor and Mr Pratik Divate JCDC Pune.
Day 4:- How to deploy in clinical practise?
IPR, Business model, start up and fundraising were the topics discussed.
How to make a cost estimate of the product and how to make it an effective business plan? All these things were taught by Prof Ravi.
Stories of custom medical devices.
Day 5:- Demonstration of Models and Devices to the Jury experts in the fields
Presentation by the participants on the devices, solving the problems and how it is an effective business plan.
I learnt from the presentations of the participants on the following devices:-
1. Non-invasive ICP Measurement:- A device that uses ultrasound to detect the intracranial pressure in the brain
2. Early stress indication: – Computer software using heartbeat rate, breath rate to determine the stress parameters.
3. Jaw relation recording: – Structure made to record the digital read out for centric jaw displacement force.
4. Gingivitis screening: – Gingivitis a gum disease, using a smart phone with RGB sensors for scanning parameters of gingivitis.
5. Tooth vitality monitoring: – Measuring impedance of tooth using multimeter.
6. Lung secretion removal: – There is already a device present but this device is an adjustable device that is used for patients whose lungs are weak but still the lungs have to be evacuated with the mucus. So patient lung specific mucus extraction.
7. Identifying the reasons for syncope: – When you find someone suddenly faint, this electronic device finds out the reason by finding out parameters like hydration level, blood pressure, heartbeat rates breathing rates etc.
8. Monopolar hook for safe cauterization: – For laparoscopic a device that assists and it is electronically controlled for sudden jerks during surgery the sensor disconnects and stops for safety.
9. Diabetic Screening: – Non-invasive device similar to that of an alcohol detector, which detects the amount of acetone and gives the analysis of the sugar in the blood levels.
10. UV illumination for vitiligo: – A belt using UV in flexible PCB for scanning and treating vitiligo.
11. Laparoscopic suturing device: – Laser guidance system precise suturing improved confidence and a good trainer device.
12. Flow monitoring for saline: – an electronic device that controls the flow rates of the medicine through the saline and drop analysis. It also gives warnings to the nurse using beeper and led.
13. Parkinson tremor management device: – A mechanical device that can be used for patients suffering with Parkinson’s disease and cannot hold anything properly due to tremor. This device when turned by any angle doesn’t spill or drop the object that is grasped.
14. Ergonomic Crutches: – A light weight and portable crutch that has suspension, propulsion and better grip.
15. Below knee prosthesis: – A prosthetic crutch for people who have lost their limbs, light weight and easy design.
16. Limb support for pre surgical painting: – During surgeries the related to the foot, the foot has to be held for which a doctor or some person is used to hold. This is a mechanical stand which is movable along with 2 ball joints, and 1 hinge joint which can be adjusted during surgery saving the time and energy of the doctor during the surgery.